
  • Headache or Pressure in the Head
  • Nausea or Vomiting
  • Balance Problems or Dizziness
  • Double or Blurry Vision
  • Sensitivity to Light or Noise
  • Concentration or Memory Problems
  • Feeling Sluggish, Hazy, Foggy or Groggy

Concussion Awareness

Coaching Certification

All coaches must complete the following certification process to obtain a badge from Delta Youth Football League

  1. Complete the Level 1: Tackle and Flag Certification Course through USA Football. 
    This course is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Coaching Education (NCACE)
  2. Pass a background check processed through the Department of Justice
  3. Attend Delta Youth Football League coaches clinic.
  4. Uphold Delta Youth Football League Bylaws in all DYFL activities.

Heads Up Tackling


  • Appears Dazed or Stunned
  • Appears Confused over Assignment or Position
  • Forgets Plays
  • Unsure of Game, Score or Opponent
  • Loses Consciousness (even briefly)
  • Shows Behavior or Personality Changes
  • Can't Recall Events Prior to or After Hit or Fall​

Delta Youth Football League is committed to player safety.  Each Franchise in DYFL has a Player Safety Coach (PSC) that has been certified through USA Football's Player Safety Coach Program.  If you have safety concerns, we want to hear them.  Please contact the President of your Franchise or contact the league by clicking here.